Saturday, July 27College Admissions News

College Planning

‘Grasp’ and the Post-Pandemic University
College Planning

‘Grasp’ and the Post-Pandemic University

‘Grasp’ and the Post-Pandemic UniversityGrasp: The Science Transforming How We Learn by Sanjay Sarma and Luke Yoquinto Published in August of 2020. Before we talk about why Grasp is an important contribution to the literature on learning science and higher education change, we need to talk about how this book is written. Grasp is an absolute pleasure to read. Rarely are academic books written with such attention to style. The quality of the writing in Grasp raises, at least for me, a couple of questions. My first question is about the audience. Is Grasp intended for a specialized audience of academic educators and university leaders? Or is Grasp written for a non-specialized readership - say, anyone outside of academia interested in how the scientific understanding of learning is evolving?...
A Great Free Book on Campus Finances That You Should Read
College Planning

A Great Free Book on Campus Finances That You Should Read

A Great Free Book on Campus Finances That You Should ReadDuring the past decade, higher education came under attack from all sides. Critics on the right complained about declining academic standards and rigor and the suppression of free speech, while those on the left called out overpaid senior leadership and administrative bloat and, at times, an overemphasis on research at the expense of teaching and vocationalism at the expense of the liberal arts. Despite disagreement about the root causes, all sides agreed that tuition and student and parental debt were far too high and graduation rates much too low. A belief that graduates were ill-prepared for the workforce also gained widespread acceptance. Efforts to elevate the conversation about higher education finance, however, have fallen lar...
The importance of developing cultural intelligence
College Planning

The importance of developing cultural intelligence

The importance of developing cultural intelligenceUNITED KINGDOM-UNITED STATES As two of the top host countries in the world, the United States and United Kingdom have long benefited from attracting large numbers of international students. Internationalisation dialogue and policy have primarily focused on income and reputational growth. Currently, both countries have a political climate that is challenging for those engaged in recruitment.We would argue that although income is, of course, important, of equal importance is the opportunity for our home students to learn in an international learning environment and for all students enrolled at our universities to foster the capability to be effective contributors in our diverse societies and globalised workplaces. This is what should be dr...
A breathtaking shift from autocracy to an open HE system
College Planning

A breathtaking shift from autocracy to an open HE system

A breathtaking shift from autocracy to an open HE systemUZBEKISTAN The higher education landscape in Uzbekistan, Central Asia, has been changing rapidly over the past three years. Since the passing of Uzbekistan’s first president, Islam Karimov, in 2016, who had been in power since 1991, the country has seen an about-face under the leadership of his successor, Shavkat Mirziyoyev.Under Mirziyoyev, a swathe of policies aim to transform higher education into what one government minister has called ‘Universities 3.0’.These policies will give universities more autonomy to choose their own leaders and to manage their own affairs through their governing bodies, will give universities greater control over student numbers and course offerings and will liberalise price controls on tuition fees an...
I’m A Parent – What Should I Be Doing While My Child Applies To Colleges?
College Planning

I’m A Parent – What Should I Be Doing While My Child Applies To Colleges?

I’m A Parent – What Should I Be Doing While My Child Applies To Colleges?Parents may be watching as your child gets ready to fly the nest, but there’s still more for you to do first! Provide support without taking over. It can be hard for parents to let students take the lead during college applications, but it’s crucial. You can – and should – be a cheerleader for your child, you can offer advice and help, but your role is that of an assistant, not a manager. Your child should take the lead, with you staying at the periphery. Check in to help your child stay on track. It’s a good idea to schedule regular check-ins, whether it be once a week or once a month. Your child can come to you with issues at any time, but regular check-ins allow you to gauge their mental state, any concerns they h...
College Planning

Bridging the Gap Between Curriculum and Career

Bridging the Gap Between Curriculum and CareerStudents don’t graduate for many reasons, but one critical reason, within an institution’s power to change, is that students don’t see a connection between their studies and a possible career. Way too often higher education relegates career preparation to select majors, separate classes, and special offices on campus. But breaking down these barriers helps all students succeed.  Unfortunately, many campuses have created an artificial and increasingly damaging divide between subject-matter learning in the classroom, and learning designated as career-relevant. In part, this divide has arisen because “career-ready” has become a false synonym for technical learning or skills, rather than the development of skills most often associated with successf...
Why learning isn’t the most important thing kids lost during the pandemic
College Planning

Why learning isn’t the most important thing kids lost during the pandemic

Why learning isn’t the most important thing kids lost during the pandemicThe last 12 months have been a furious, unrelenting assault on the senses. In March 2020, in what seemed like the blink of an eye, the in-person school year was first suspended, and then abruptly canceled. Many children from historically marginalized communities simply failed to appear online, their absence pointing to enduring, systemic inequities in our school systems. Only a few months later, as our collective sense of dislocation grew increasingly taut and unbearable, George Floyd was killed in Minnesota, setting off months of some of the largest protests in U.S. history. Published at Fri, 23 Apr 2021 18:55:03 +0000 Article source:
Understanding the Difference Between Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, and Loans
College Planning

Understanding the Difference Between Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, and Loans

Understanding the Difference Between Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, and Loans Are you worried about how you’ll pay for college or looking for ways to lower your family’s out-of-pocket costs? While it’s true that a college education comes with a high price tag, securing financial aid can help you confidently pursue your educational goals. There are many different funding opportunities that can help you finance your college education, including scholarships, grants, fellowships, and loans. You’ll find that these opportunities each have their own requirements. Learn more about different financial aid options for your undergraduate studies, and determine what’s right for your needs. Scholarships Scholarships are one of the best ways to pay for college. You don’t have to repay scholarship...
Financial Aid Award Letters: 8 Things to Consider
College Planning

Financial Aid Award Letters: 8 Things to Consider

Financial Aid Award Letters: 8 Things to ConsiderTwitterFacebookLinkedinemailiStock You’ve been accepted to college? Perhaps more than one? Congratulations! Now it’s decision time, and determining financial fit is part of the process. Here are eight things to consider as you review your award letters. 1: Expected Family Contribution (EFC) After successfully completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you will be provided a Student Aid Report (SAR). On the SAR is a number called the Expected Family Contribution (EFC)—and you’ll see that number come into play on each of your financial aid award letters. The EFC determines your eligibility for Federal Student Aid (FSA) and many private scholarship organizations also use it to assist in making award decisions. Your EFC wil...
Schools Are Reopening After a Year Online. Hear From Students.
College Planning

Schools Are Reopening After a Year Online. Hear From Students.

Schools Are Reopening After a Year Online. Hear From Students.CHICAGO — Maisie Robinson was so excited for her first day of kindergarten that she woke up at 2:30 a.m. to make her family breakfast.“Unfortunately, the cereal was kind of soggy by the time we got up,” said her mother, Lindsey Post Robinson.But that hardly dulled Maisie’s enthusiasm. She skipped to school last week in her purple coat, part of a wave of Chicago elementary school students who met their teachers and classmates in person for the first time.A year into the coronavirus pandemic, many American students have been in their classrooms since last fall — frequently off and on, as outbreaks have forced quarantines and closures. But in several large cities, students have started returning to school buildings only in the last...
Should we get rid of standardized testing? – Arlo Kempf
College Planning

Should we get rid of standardized testing? – Arlo Kempf

Should we get rid of standardized testing? - Arlo Kempf Download a free audiobook and support TED-Ed's nonprofit mission: Check out Todd Rose's "The End of Average: How We Succeed in a World That Values Sameness": View full lesson: Although standardized testing is a particularly hot topic in education right now, this approach to measurement has been in use for two millennia. And while the results of standardized testing can help us understand some things, they can also be misleading if used incorrectly. So what do these tests actually measure? And are they worthwhi...
19 College Application Tips (To Help You Stand Out)
College Planning

19 College Application Tips (To Help You Stand Out)

19 College Application Tips (To Help You Stand Out) Applying to college? Start here. Whether you're an incoming Freshman or transferring to a new university, these are the 19 college application tips that every student should keep in mind when writing your supplemental essays, Common App extracurricular activities list, or additional information section. Which of my 19 tips helped you the most? Get my FREE Guide to Writing Your Personal Statement: SUBSCRIBE: Work one-on-one with me and my team on your college application essays: Links Mentioned in this Vid...
College Admissions: Inside the Decision Room
College Planning

College Admissions: Inside the Decision Room

College Admissions: Inside the Decision Room As high school seniors begin to receive their letters of admission to U.S. colleges, Bloomberg was invited to Amherst College for an inside look at how the admissions committee comes to a decision on who to admit and who to defer. ---------- Like this video? Subscribe to Bloomberg on YouTube: Bloomberg is the First Word in business news, delivering breaking news & analysis, up-to-the-minute market data, features, profiles and more: Connect with us on... Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:
CRUSH the Common Application Essay! 8 Tips.
College Planning

CRUSH the Common Application Essay! 8 Tips.

CRUSH the Common Application Essay! 8 Tips. Are you working on your common application essay? In this video, Brooke shares 8 tips for how to write a great essay. Check out the blog for this video: Trying to get a really good score on the ACT®? Then you NEED The Best ACT® Prep Course Ever! Taking the SAT® course instead? Our SAT® course is out! Start prepping with Brooke today! * Want to see how current college undergrads got into their dream school? Get access to their actual test scores, application material, mentorship and more with Admitsee! Support SupertutorTV by using this...